How to identify the quality of the konjac sponge?


Since the beginning of winter, the weather has become increasingly cold. Washing the baby’s face and bath has become a headache for many parents. Scientific research shows that the thickness of baby skin is about 10% of that of adults, the texture of traditional towels is rough, the hands of adults are too hard, and the baby’s skin is rubbed and painful, which may be the reasons why children resist washing their faces and bathing. The skin of infants and young children is delicate, with weak antibacterial and immunity. Any little stimulation may cause discomfort, and they need special care. More and more parents give up traditional towels and chosen a more gentle and soft Konjak sponge for their children. Amorphophallus sponge, made of pure natural plant fiber, deeply cleans the baby’s delicate skin without damaging it and is favored by women who love beauty and young parents.

How is the Konjak sponge made?

Data shows that Konjac has been used for more than 2000 years. The natural konjac is processed into powder and mixed with purified water according to the precise gold ratio, poured into the mold, steamed and shaped, and then frozen. Finally, the konjac sponge is made by threading the konjac sponge manually.

The konjac sponge made of food-grade raw materials is safe and non-irritating. It can deeply clean the tender skin by gently massaging in circles, reduce the baby’s chances of crying because of skin rubbing pain, and make parents more relieved.

So, how to judge the quality of a Konjak sponge? It can be considered from the following four aspects.

1. Water absorption: high-quality konjac sponge has good water absorption.

2. Smoothness: Konjac sponge is used for skin care. The product will be in close contact with human skin during use. If it is rough, it may damage the skin and accelerate its aging of the skin.

3. Elasticity: Amorphophallus sponge should be flexible enough to evenly transmit its strength to the skin contact surface during daily use to produce a more uniform and soft massage force.

4. Pure natural: high-quality konjac sponge should be made of 100% pure natural material, without any chemicals such as PVA material. After the product is discarded, if it is buried in the soil for 2-3 months, the degradation rate can reach 90%, which will not cause harm to the environment.

5. Durability. As the konjac sponge is made of natural ingredients, it is easy to be damaged if used improperly. So, how we can make the Konjak sponge with better durability, will become a problem for Konjak sponge manufacturers to consider. The high-quality konjac sponge is more delicate and compact, and the use time is longer.

Parents must pay attention to that every time they use the konjac sponge, they must gently shake it dry, and not wring it hard, or it will affect the service life of the konjac sponge. Don’t use too much force when cleaning, or the poor little konjac will break. After use, clean it and hang it to dry. Do not dry it for a long time. Keep it moderately wet to avoid drying and damage.

What functions does the Konjak sponge have?

1. Skin cleaning: The weak acid property of the konjac sponge can take away the dirt deep in the pores, and it has super skin cleaning ability. Even without soap or facial cleanser, it can neutralize and decompose the cosmetics or micro dust left on the skin. It is absolutely safe and nonirritating, and even sensitive skin and even infants can be taken care of.

2. Skincare: Konjaku fiber tissue unique to konjac sponge can repair fragile skin after sun exposure. Even if you rub it hard, it will not hurt the skin. Containing natural water retaining factor, it can replenish skin water while washing the face, and lock water after washing. After washing, the skin feels smooth and moist, without tightness and dryness.

3. Skin beautification: Wash and massage with a konjac sponge every day, which can enhance the exfoliation effect, prevent wrinkles, remove melanin accumulated in the stratum corneum, and the slowly released natural whitening factor can make the skin smooth and white.

4. Skincare: long-term use of konjac sponge can promote metabolism, promote smooth blood circulation, and fundamentally improve skin from outside to inside.

In addition, the Konjak sponge has other wonderful uses:

1. Use a konjac sponge to help wipe blush and apply lipstick, which can make the color soft and not easy to fall off.

2. First put the slightly wet konjac sponge in the refrigerator. After a few minutes, pat the cool sponge on the skin with powder foundation, and you will feel the skin is particularly fresh and the color makeup is particularly fresh.

3. Use the clean side of the konjac sponge when making it up each time. A sponge can be divided into four parts: the left side of the surface, the right side of the surface, the left side of the inside, and the right side of the inside. One part should be used each time. After four times of use, it should be thoroughly cleaned with soap to reduce the loss of the sponge.

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